5 Alternatives to Netflix and chill
There is nothing as gratifying as a marathon binge of the latest Netflix exclusive, which credit to their awesome consumption-pattern recognition, is bound to be a show you love. There’s also nothing wrong with a little fun time in between episodes of OITNB if you know what I mean.
Even if you don’t plan to binge, and promise yourself that you’ll watch just one episode, before you know it, you’ve lost the day and you’re on to the next show. After a while you don’t even know if you like what you’re watching, but you continue to, in the lack of anything better.
How about the next time you find yourself in such a predicament, you try any of these 5 alternatives instead:
They don’t call you a ‘couch potato’ for nothing. All that time spent gorging on your favorite TV shows is bound to take a toll on your body. Head to the nearest gym or park and get your heart rate going as fast as you did when you saw Khaleesi ride Drogon the first time.
While ‘Netflix and Chill’ means a bit more more than just watching shows alone, take your Netflix partner-in-crime out for a romantic evening. The old-world charm of watching a sunset together can do wonders for your next Netflix and Chill session too.
Gardening in real life (IRL) can be almost as much fun as on Wisteria Lane. Besides, you can Google any gardening related info that the show might’ve missed out (so you can be a snob about it).
In the digital ‘Do it Yourself’ (DIY) age, platforms like YouTube and Vimeo are replete with tutorials that can help you acquire and hone skills that might meet your fancy. Remember to start small. You don't have to re-model your kitchen countertops or build an entire vanity from scratch, people.
If you find something that you are good at and love to do, there's are plenty of websites on the internet to help you earn a certification in exchange for sitting through a few online courses. A profession certification goes a long way in helping you get your dream job. Websites like Coursera and Skillshare offer courses from leading universities that can help you get certified from the comfort of your home.
We all love Netflix (especially the chill part). But it's easy to let the day get away from you while binging - ultimately, it’s better to spend that time building good habits and being productive (future you will thank you for it).