13 Pictures of Sleeping Dogs in Bizarre Positions

There are dogs - and people too - who sleep anywhere and anyways. Below is a list of 13 pictures of bizarre positions of sleeping dogs. Try not to laugh and tell us if you can.

  • Seems like little Tody likes a good comforter (@elizanereis).

  • Zeus is like us after a long day of work (@wanialana).

  • Athena likes to have her friend to sleep with (@mfmuniz).

  • Vela used the slide as a blanket, why not? (@pauloarana

  • We guess Aisha is a ninja in her dreams, no? (@_marinagm

  • A nap in the middle of the ocean is always a good idea! (@jucastelo)

These dogs are all Pillow Guys!!

Did you enjoy these cuties? Send a picture of your dog sleeping in a funny position in the comments, we'll love to see. 



Thais Costa is from Brazil, she has journalism and marketing as a profession and passion. She currently lives in California and is completely addicted to traveling. 

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